Sunday, April 12, 2009


Fake - Anime
By - Matoh Sanami
Shonen Ai/Soft Yaoi
Concluded Series

Fake is about two partner detectives(cops) taking a vacation in england and running into a murder mystery. One of the partners is totally in love with the other, hence the yaoi.

First, I didn't like the art. Just to get that out of the way. Second, the anime is just a single chapter in the FAKE books, and it isn't the first one. The writer does a good job working in background, but you still don't know much about the characters, only what you really HAVE to. The episode had a fair plot... it had a plot in the first place, which is a plus, but it was even a good plot. If you are going to watch the anime and read the manga, I suggest watching the anime first, I think it just works out better. *shrug* Oh, and there really isn't much in the way of yaoi-ness. Some making out I think, but no more. It wasn't horrible, it wasn't great... *shrug*


Favorite Part: The murder mystery.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


As it says, I am supposed to be reviewing Boku No Sexual Harassment some time ago... well. I cannot locate all pieces of the OVA series that have been randomly scattered across various forms of video providing sites. Infact, I can't even find half.

If anyone knows of the whereabouts of Boku No Sexual Harassment IN FULL. PLEASE contact me. In the meantime... I'll find something wlse to do. Sorry for the wait... Again, contact me if you know of an online copy.Align Center